Finding holiday party entertainment isn’t all that hard. Finding GOOD entertainment, well, sometimes that’s a crap-shoot. Now if you are doing a vegas night, you might have everything covered. But a good holiday party can become GREAT with a skilled, professional, talented magician. People love magic. A good magician loves people. Get those two together [...]
Time Warner Cable and Burglars
It was late February 2008. I was living in a 2 bedroom condo near Walnut Hill and Webb Chapel in Dallas. I didn’t have a lot to do that day, but I went to visit a couple of near by customers. Even though the neighborhood was not known for being pristine and crime free, I [...]
“Holiday” Greetings
This wish is warranted to perform as expected within the usual application of good tidings for a period of one year, or until the issuance of a subsequent holiday greeting whichever comes first
It’s Time, the State Fair of Texas.
I love this time of year. A break from the heat, football, and the State Fair of Texas! My daughter and I started a tradition years ago of attending together. Seems the others in the family didn’t find as much enjoyment of the fair as we did. So, even now, she wants to go to [...]
Ahead of the Curve
If you want quality entertainment, be sure to look way ahead, even if it’s just to pencil in the date.